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"Eva Wasserman is a great musician and experienced teacher. She is very passionate about teaching and committed to the growth of her students. Eva motivated and inspired me to research and play original music. Apart from being a great teacher Eva is also a terrific composer. While studying with her, I had the pleasure to perform her pieces “Generation of hope” and “Odd to Odessa”. It was a very challenging and exciting experience, especially considering it was my first experience performing contemporary music."

-- Hila Zamir 

"Eva Wasserman-Margolis was my first and most significant clarinet teacher. 

She encouraged my love of the clarinet and to music in general and gave me tools to express myself through the instrument with huge amounts of dedication and what i would call a loving-strictness.  Not only she is a great pedagogue, her own musical passion, interest and active approach caught on to her students. 


I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to do what i love most for living! Without Eva this wouldn't have been possible."


-- Gil Shaked-Agababa / Clarinetist

"I took just one master class with Eva Wasserman well over a decade ago at the International Clarinet Conference in Budapest, and to this day, I still follow the practical steps Eva gave for a productive practice session -- long tones first, then scales (always with a metronome!), studies, and whatever music I am working on. There was something about the way Eva presented these basic steps that they stayed ingrained in my mind and kept me grounded for years in my own practicing and in teaching students."


-- Liz Player

Founder and Artistic Director

The Harlem Chamber Players

"Eva is one of the teachers who influenced me the most. She taught me discipline, stylistic approach to music and of course the great meaning of tone. For Eva, and today for me too, the tone is the base of musical statement, and is, above all, what makes a player unique and different from the others, regardless of whether you're a classical, jazz or klezmer musician. The words Eva used to tell us in class are with me today as a musician and a teacher."


-- Lior Ronen, a composer and arranger for the theater, clarinet and piano player

"Having studied with Eva for 10 meaningful years, I can attest to the fact that Eva is not only an incredible pedagogue, but a mentor and a truly unique personality. The years I had spent learning everything I could from her became distinctly advantageous once I started my degree at Arizona State University and realized that my tone was more stable and clearer than others'. The advantages I gained in my clarinet technique were also very apparent from the beginning. Everybody that knows Eva also knows that her students have not only gained worldwide "notoriety", but also keep in constant contact with her to this day. She is an inspiration of where willpower, skill (and personality) can get you."


-- Or Cd Clarinetist

When it comes to the sound of a clarinet I have yet to meet someone more passionate about it than Eva Wasserman. Eva has a unique way of getting a student to a place where they can visualize their sound and use the perfect exercises in order to produce the sound they envision.  25 years later I still hear Eva's voice in my head guiding me on how to keep improving my sound and my clarinet playing. Thank you Eva. 



-- Anat Cohen  (voted "Clarinetist of the year" 8 years in a row 2007-2014 by the Jazz Journalist association) 

"״...המורה הפוסע בצללי המקדש בין חסידיו


לא מחכמתו ייתן, כי את אמונתו ואהבתו....״


(ואני פגשתיך לאחר מורה שכבר לא ומורה שלעולם לא...)


ואת, אווה, הענקת לי את אמונתך ואהבתך, יחד עם חכמתך, לעולם המוסיקה"


-- תמי רגב כהן, מורה לקלרינט ומנצחת תזמורות נוער

"שם שכל נגן או נגנית קלרינט בישראל מכירים. ככל הנראה בגלל היצירה 'דור התקווה'.

מי שיתמזל מזלו ונפל בחלקו להכיר את אוה, יגלה אישיות שהקלרינט והיופי שבו הם ראשונים במעלה.

מי שזכה ללמוד אצלה, הרוויח משהו לכל החיים.

החל מהיסודות והרבה אל המעבר.

היסודות הם ללא כל ספק שלמות הצליל, ולאחר מכן נוסיף את שלימות הביצוע ואת תוכן היצירה. עולם שלם של תיאורים ודימויים אשר רק תורמים לנגן. עולם שלם של עצה טובה לנגן הצעיר, שהוא ככל הנראה גם המורה הצעיר. וממשיך הדרך.

אני לעצמי, סלדתי מהדרך.

עולמי המוזיקלי עוסק כל כולו ביצירה וחידוש תרבות הכליזמר והיידיש. שם הוא מקומי, ושם אני פורח.

חלק בלתי נפרד מכל נגן, הוא הצליל הייחודי לו אשר מאפיין אותו, את אופיו, ואת סיפורו המוסיקלי.

היסודות שכל כך מוכרים בקרב תלמידיה של אוה, שגורים עדיין באצבעותינו. לכן הם חלק בלתי נפרד מאישיותנו המוסיקלית.

קטנתי מלכתוב על מורה טוב לחיים. אני תקווה שאוכל להיות מודל לאחרים בזקנותי."


-- גל קליין

My tone is my voice, and it is made of a mosaic of years of travel, studies and listening to others. My mentor for this journey, Eva Wasserman -Margolis, taught me how to find my inner voice through her love to music, humanity and amazing international music network. Her focus on producing the perfect, rich tone, made her a well respected international figure in the clarinet world, with numerous students, who now serve in the finest orchestras and chamber ensembles in Israel, Europe and the U.S.


-- Michal Beit- Halachmi

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